
Pick your battles"If a battle can't be won, don't fight it"

- Sun Tzu -

Whenever we experience too much of a particular frequency or frequency range, we're tempted to resort to equalization to resolve the situation. In this article I will demonstrate that the effectiveness of EQ relies entirely on the relative level separation from other sources.

Mind the gap - Part IIIn part II of this series of articles I will elaborate on my preliminary findings about the possibly beneficial effect of introducing gaps between adjacent enclosures in cardioid stacks and arrays.

Mind the gapA short time ago I was very fortunate to have gained access to a former air force base featuring ample real estate with a solid underground.

An ideal environment for subwoofer measurements where I got to measure all typical inverted stack cardioid setups.

And while I’m still in the middle of processing all data, I would already like to share one preliminary but potentially interesting observation.

Hypothetical question by Bob McCarthyfigure 1I can tell from my seminars that the impulse response or simply IR, remains an abstract to many. But, if you think of the impulse response literally as an audio track in a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) like Pro Tools, Logic or Reaper, it might come more naturally in the future.

Which sub to reverse? Part 2In Part 2 of this series of articles, we discuss the trade-off for trying to achieve maximum coupling in front of a ground-stacked cardioid setup by reversing the bottom subwoofer.