
This calculator allows you to study the effects of various parameters and variables involved in delay lines.

Most notably the position shift of the equitemporal point in the audience plane when temperature changes.

air absorption calculator

This calculator calculates the speed of sound based on temperature, relative humidity and altitude according to Owen Cramer's paper "The variation of the specific heat ratio and the speed of sound in air with temperature, pressure, humidity, and CO2 concentration" published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

This calculator displays the period for a given frequency. The 7 bad system dwarfs will demonstrate the relation between different periods.

air absorption calculator

This calculator displays two functions in accordance with ASA/ANSI S1.26-2014 (R2024). Firstly, pure tone attenuation by air absorption for — all frequencies at a single point in space — based on distance, temperature, relative humidity, altitude, and atmospheric pressure. Secondly, all attenuation values in dB per meter distance — for a single frequency — for every combination of temperature and relative humidity.

equal-loudness calculator

This calculator displays equal-loudness contours in accordance with ISO 226:2003. It allows you to normalize to any contour and see relative differences.